Notre cabinet est situé au coeur du Waterloo, Centre Medical Wellington.
Voici les horaires de consultation du cabinet :
Lundis de 9h à 14h
Mardis de 18h à 21h
Mercredis de 9h à 12h - ​
Le paiement des consultations s'effectue par Espèces.
Notre cabinet est situé au coeur du Waterloo, Centre Medical Wellington.
Voici les horaires de consultation du cabinet :
Lundis de 9h à 14h
Mardis de 18h à 21h
Mercredis de 9h à 12h - ​
Le paiement des consultations s'effectue par Espèces.
General, interventional and sports cardiologist
General, interventional and sports cardiologist.
"Consultation is a privileged time between the patient and the doctor. I am committed to provide preventive cardiology and the best cardiac care possible."
I also work in a hospital setting as Head of the Cardiology Department at CHR Mons-Hainaut as well as Head of Interventional Cardiology.
I come from Mexico. I speak Spanish, English, French and Dutch.
I graduated from Medicine school at the ULB in 2003.
I am licensed and accredited in General Cardiology since 2009.
I am a practitioner of Interventional Cardiologist since 2006, first at the Brugmann University Hospital and actually at The CHR Mons-Hainaut.
I graduated in sports cardiology at the Université de la Sorbonne in Paris in 2016.
I am member of the Belgian Society of Cardiology and the European Society of Cardiology.
I am member of the Working Group on Interventional, Preventive and Sport cardiology at both Belgian and European level.
I am member of the heart failure Working Group of the European Society of Cardiology.